Friday, 1 December 2017

Christmas Goodness

What makes Christmas special?

I have needed to ask myself this question again as the festive season begins to get underway this year. I love all the lights, excitement and anticipation of a wonderful celebration! However, I often find planning for everything, trying to find or make lovely gifts, cooking and cleaning up can sometimes be exhausting rather than fun.

I can try to be more organised, be more creative or plan better but I suspect that although they help things to run more smoothly, those are not actually the ultimate solutions.

What is more likely to be helpful is to remind myself what Christmas is really about. It is easy to caught up in traditions and feel pressured to do what is expected without really reflecting on what makes Christmas meaningful.

If you are a family who worships Christ, then Christmas is really all about remembering His birth and celebrating His gift to us. Part of that remembrance is celebrating!  But what does that celebration look like? I am hoping that some careful reflection will help us to make Christmas more worshipful this year and in the future.

What do you love about Christmas? How do you make Christmas a meaningful celebration?

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