Saturday 13 February 2016

Staging your home – for yourself!

Home staging is a term that refers to preparing a home to look its best in order to sell it.

Joshua Becker’s blog, Becoming Minimalist, has an interesting article entitled “Stage your Home for Living”. He makes the point that preparing your home for a sale often means that it looks the best it ever has, just in time for the next owners.

With the concept of home staging in mind, I took a tour of our own home.  It actually only took only a few hours to put away and tidy up many things that had been on the “to do list” for some time, and this whole week I have been glad not to be dodging some of the piles that had accumulated. 

Three top tips I am taking away from Joshua Becker’s blog post include:
  1. Declutter and find a home for everything: This is an ongoing battle in a compact space, but I really do think it helps to tidy up if everything has a designated home. When the surfaces are mostly clear, it makes everything seem more spacious. Obviously you need to actually live in your home, as it is not possible to have it always looking like a show house, but if you keep the more beautiful objects on display and the less lovely items put away it will make your home feel loved as well as lived in.
  2. Tackle repairs: This is a tricky one for me as I am not that handy. But everyone has to start somewhere so I would like to tackle a few of those small jobs that have been lurking for a while now.  I have had a brainstorm and made a list of all the jobs that need doing, now I need to estimate the time and money it will take to tackle each one as well as estimate a realistic time frame for getting them done.
  3. Consider first impressions or “curb appeal”: I think we get so used to arriving at home it is sometimes hard to see it with fresh eyes. It can make such a difference to have a welcoming entrance for yourself as well as guests.  Our front entry goes through a courtyard that is also a utility area, but I am thinking of ways to make it more cheerful, such as a small table and chairs and fairy lights when it is not being used for hanging washing!

What challenges do you have to get your home in tip top shape? Do you think it is possible to “stage a home for living”?