Friday 3 March 2017

Creating More Intentional Morning Routines

Do you struggle to get things done in the morning? What is the secret to being organised and productive with your morning time? Sometimes we need to think carefully about our morning routine and habits and make a deliberate effort to prioritise what is important so that the essentials get done each day. Rather than a frantic morning rush that leaves us feeling unsettled for the rest of the day, being intentional about our time can help create a calmer and more productive day.

In her book "Make Room for What You Love", Melissa Michaels writes:
“Habits are friends, not foes. Have you resisted habits because you want to feel free and spontaneous?  When we become more intentional with what we do during the day and how we use our time, we have more room for spontaneity and creativity. What do we really want to do in life? How could being more efficient with our daily tasks make more room for things that are truly important for us?” 
So what are your priorities for the morning? What do you need to do so that you can get on with the rest of the day feeling satisfied that you have accomplished the essentials? 

8 Things to do before 8 on the blog "Beauty in the Mess" is a helpful list of things you might like to prioritise each morning so that your day (and home!) runs more smoothly. One of her tips is to do a "brain dump" and then consider the top to do's that must get done that day. This is very useful advice particularly if you are feeling frazzled and overwhelmed by the amount of things you feel you need to get done.

Not a "morning person" and struggling to get going in the morning? On her list of 7 Habits to Add to Your Morning Routine   "Morning Motivated Mom" suggests doing something refreshing. This can be anything you find fun and inspiring - drinking a slow cup of coffee, writing in a journal or something from your self-care plan. Perhaps if the first thing you do each morning is something that refreshes you, you might find it easier to get up and get going each day.

If you are in a season of life when you are in difficult circumstances, then remember to give yourself a lot of grace especially if you are not getting much sleep. We all need to work out what works best for our own circumstances. My last tip is to prepare as much as possible the night before if this is when you have more energy!

Are you a "morning person"? What are some of your morning priorities? Please share your tips for creating a good morning routine.