Thursday 3 November 2016

My Top Three Tips for Staying Organized

If you are struggling to stay organized or to get organized you are not alone! With each new season of our lives come new challenges and different organizing strategies and solutions need to be found. Being organized is definitely a process as well as a mental habit.

My top three tips for staying organized even if you are feeling overwhelmed:
  1. Use a diary/planner/bullet journal and keep all your appointments and to-do lists in one place. Having scraps of paper here and there can make it difficult to keep track of everything - so centralize them all into one place.
  2. Have a place for everything and put items back in their places. Where you would first think of looking for something is probably a good place to keep it. If it is too difficult to put something back it might mean you are keeping it in the wrong place. Make everything you use regularly easy to access and to put away again.
  3. Try to keep surfaces clear. It is so much easier to clean (and also to relax) if you are not confronted by piles of things on various surfaces. If things are piling up it is a sign to do a clean up. If you need to do a major organizing session some good advice is to use the  PROCESS method by the Organizing Junkie. She goes through some logical and helpful steps to take when doing a tidying project - big or small.
What are your top tips for staying on top of the chaos?  Do you have any tried and tested ways to stay organized?