Thursday 31 December 2015

Get Organizing

Happy New Year! May 2016 be a year full of many blessings for you. Maybe one of your resolutions for the year is to get organized? So here are some step-by-step ideas on how to tackle the organizing process.

1.       Be Prepared
Before you get started on organizing an area, my suggestion would be to have four containers ready:  “Goes elsewhere in the home”, “Donate/sell”, “Rubbish” and “Keep and Sort”. These can just be cardboard boxes or laundry baskets if you have them.  Also remember your play list of music to motivate you and some snacks at the ready for the all important tea break.  It also helps to have a pen and note pad at the ready to write down a “To Do” list of action items that might come up while you sort.  Instead of getting distracted by things that need to be mended etc. you can just jot down a reminder. Then use your list later to schedule in your planner/diary when you are going to do the various items on your list.

2.       Take Everything Out
Although it is quite messy and possibly overwhelming for a while, I have found the most helpful way to organize is to take everything out of the space you are organizing (cupboard/drawer/shelf) and put it on a large clear surface like a table or the bed or even the floor if necessary. Then it is easier to sort through it all before arranging it back in the space you are trying to organize. This sometimes makes such a huge mess that it easy to feel a bit overwhelmed! But sometimes it has to get worse before it gets better.

3.       Sort It
As you sort, chuck out the obvious rubbish first. Things that have been broken for ages and are not yet mended, things that don’t quite “work” for whatever reason need to go. Obviously you need to be discerning about what is “rubbish”, what can be recycled and what is worthy of giving away or selling. Use your containers to separate the rubbish from the rest of these things and also don’t forget to put aside things that don’t belong in the space but do need to be kept elsewhere in the home.

4.       Put Like Items Together
When you have everything that must go “out” sorted into the containers, then tackle the rest of what is left. It helps to make piles of like things together and then it is easier to get rid of unnecessary duplicates. While you are doing this try to keep in mind the function of the space you are organizing. What items are really needed to support what you do in that space?  Remember that you can only fit a limited number of things into the available space and so you may need to make some tough choices about what to keep.

5.       Give Everything a Home
When you have whittled down your things into the essentials that you really love to have and need to use, it is time to put the things back. Everything needs to have a home – “homeless” items can be difficult to find.  Think about where you would first look for an item – that is most likely its logical home to you.
Also remember to think about accessibility when you put things back. Heavy things need to be stored lower down while small things can be put onto trays or into containers to keep them from getting lost. Look around your home for suitable containers before you are tempted to go and buy new ones! You will be surprised how often you can re-purpose a bowl or box or tray.

* A note on containers: Sometimes containers are a helpful limit on what you can keep. On occasion, before I sort out a space I decide on what containers I already have that are appropriate for keeping the items I want to use in that space. Whatever can fit into those containers can stay and the surplus must find a home elsewhere or be donated. This doesn’t always work, but sometimes it helps to create boundaries before starting, especially with things like sentimental items and consumables. When everything has a home, it also helps to make labels so you (and others) can see where to put things back easily.

What organizing projects are you going to tackle in the New Year? Do you have any tips on staying motivated when tackling a big project?

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Where to start organizing?

This first post is about thinking and planning before you get started with your organizing project and identifying those clutter “hot spots” that are really not working for you.

Whether you have a little or a lot to organize, think of the “hot spots” that are annoying to you. If you start on one of these spots then your battle with that spot is already on its way to being a thing of the past. You will feel a sense of achievement when you are done! Try to keep that area clear for a week or two and then move on to your next clutter hotspot while maintaining the first area as a clutter free zone.

It also helps to have a plan before you start! Before you roll up your sleeves and get stuck in, think about what is working as well as what is not working in order to tweak your existing systems. Obviously you don’t want to change what is working well for you – and this might give you insight into your organizing style.  Try and go with your existing habits – for example if you like to kick your shoes off on the bed, store your shoes under the bed in a neat row or shoe rack. If you like to read mags in bed, keep a magazine rack in the bedroom or dedicate a bedside drawer. If you like to dump everything as you walk in the door, then make a plan to store your essentials in the entryway if possible.

I think it will pay to spend a bit of time reflecting on your needs and habits before you start organizing so that you don’t end up re-doing anything unnecessarily and also so that you work with your strengths to streamline your living spaces.

One of the areas that I manage to keep clutter-free is the dining area. Every day I make sure the table stays free of papers and other miscellaneous items as we actually do eat at the table most days. Unfortunately my daughter’s school bag does usually live on a dining chair as it is easily accessible there for homework in the afternoon and grabbing each morning! This seems to work for us at the moment though.

Less successful though is our music/craft room. It regularly gets cluttered up with items that have nowhere else to go. Ditto the garage! So those areas need to be regularly “dealt with” and I need to think of a better way to organize those spaces. The garage is on our list for next week!

What are your clutter hot spots? Do you have a strategy to avoid clutter building up in those areas? Make a list of the most cluttered surfaces that you would like to streamline and then plan when you will tackle them.

Welcome to dandelyn

Welcome to dandelyn, a blog devoted to organizing solutions that are simple and practical. My aim is to share some tips, tricks and creative ways to keep clutter under control and to streamline life with better time management. I hope to provide some inspiration for others who need to get more organized and be more efficient and productive in their use of time and space in order to create a sanctuary at home

About Me 

As well as getting more organized, I like to do do paper crafts, read about decor and design and drink big mugs of tea.  I love organizing and feel that being organized is a helpful way to save time and effort and also a more peaceful way to live. I also love interior design ideas as I think it is inspiring to create a space that is not only functional but beautiful too. 

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