Friday 9 September 2016

Tips for Organising Travel Packing

This year has been a busy one with lots more time away from home than usual. I have found it most helpful to create packing lists for the various trips, but on reflection it would probably be best to create a "master packing list" that can be re-used and tweaked depending on the length and type of trip.

Although I am not a frequent traveller, I have found that these tips make packing much easier:
  1. Use small size toiletries that take up much less space than the regular size. If you have favourite products you can decant them into small lightweight containers.Remember to label the containers! I also like to take liquid soap rather than a bar as the wet soap bar needs a special case that won't leak - but this is just personal preference. It is also helpful to leave a toiletry bag ready packed, so that it is just a matter of grab and go when necessary. This may mean that you need to purchase duplicates such as an extra toothbrush, comb etc, but it is really a lot easier than having to think through everything every time. A travel size hair drier is also a really worthwhile investment for a frequent traveller. Remember that if you are flying, restrictions on liquids and gels in hand luggage apply!
  2. Depending on where you are going, you may need to take a towel. I try to take a dark coloured towel and face cloth that will be less likely to show marks. I also always pack a few empty plastic packets for damp things just in case.
  3. A small laundry bag in which to put clothes that need washing is also helpful so when you get home you don't have to try and remember what needs laundering. If you are on a long trip, some soap powder which can be used for hand washing might be a helpful way to extend the time you can use clothes and under wear. Also remember a few clothes pegs if you will be doing laundry yourself.
  4. A "tech bag" with various cords, chargers and adaptors is also a helpful addition for travelling. If you have a lot of cords it might be helpful to label them too. 
  5. Remember to pack prescription medication and a small collection of any necessary extra medicines such as pain killers, plasters and possibly antihistamines. I also find a travel pack of wet wipes and tissues are essential!
  6. Some snacks and a water bottle might be handy extras to tide you over between meals. 
  7. Finally, thinking through the clothes you will need before you pack is essential. Your choices will obviously largely depend on the climate, activities and length of trip you are taking. I would highly recommend "The Vivienne files" for helpful advice on choosing a suitable travel wardrobe. Essentially I find it helpful to take more tops than bottoms, with the bottoms mainly neutral in colour and then an accent colour for tops and accessories. Scarves and jewellery take up very little space, but can liven up a simple outfit. However, shoes are relatively heavy and take up a fair amount of space, so it is helpful to limit them to as few pairs as possible. Also remember to put shoes in bags (or wrap in shower caps!) to keep any dirt off the rest of your luggage.
Are you a frequent traveller? What are your tips for being an organised packer and travelling light?